Call for Abstracts

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Medical physics is an applied branch of physics. It concerned with the application of the concepts and methods of physics to the diagnosis and treatment of human disease by using physics for patient imaging, measurement, and treatment. The medical physics is pioneering the clinical field; one of the breakthroughs in the treatment of breast cancer through radiation oncology and radioimmunotherapy. People who are interested in this session can discuss with the eminent persons by participating as delegates, speakers and conduct workshops in this session.

  • Bioelectronics
  • Quantum biology
  • X-ray crystallography
  • NMR spectroscopy
  • Molecular biophysics

The nanophysics will give an overall framework of the new innovation and ideas on designing and controlling materials and components on the Nano scale. It brings about the most recent technological advancements in manipulation of the spin current for electronic devices, which will be explained by the eminent researches in the field of nanomaterial and nanophysics.

  • Nano Technology for Solar power collection
  • Energy efficiency through Nano Technology
  • Energy Applications of Nano Technology
  • Nano Fuel Cells - Energy Storage
  • Contribution towards Energy solutions

The session discussion on material physics with recent trends and current work in the academic research which causes new innovation and development of novel advanced materials such as carbyne and stanene. The material scientists work with various materials and chemicals and also conduct experiments on different materials in different conditions to determine the effect on that material. The advances in nanotechnology, polymers, and ceramics, and bio materials are from the evolution of material physics.

  • Graphene
  • Carbon Nano-structures and devices
  • Coatings, surfaces and membranes
  • Biomimetic materials
  • Condensed matter physics.
  • Fibers, films and membranes

The foundation of physics that deals with the production, transmission, reception, and effects of sound, vibration, ultrasound, and infrasound of all mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids is Acoustics. The numerous applications of acoustics across many industries include music, medicine, architecture, warfare and more. A major development in acoustics is the application of ultrasound in detectors such as sonars and recent discovery is Cracking the 60-year-old mystery of Sun's magnetic waves. This panel discussion has been included in this physics conference to explore the significance of sound in different fields and brings the most advanced research applications in acoustic technology from most eminent researchers in the field of acoustics.

  • Ultrasonic
  • Bio-acoustics
  • Musical Acoustics
  • Vibration and dynamics
  • Aero acoustics
  • Electro acoustics

The productive discoveries and inventions in nuclear physics will be targeted in this session. The development of radioactive decay, nuclear fission and fusion reactions, the merging of nuclei, and cluster radioactivity are the major areas that will be covered in this intuitive session. In this session, the eminent research scholars will be discussing the latest discoveries such as the Cluster structure of light nuclei. The applications of nuclear physics in different sectors including nuclear weapons, nuclear medicine, and MRI scans, radiocarbon linked to geology and archaeology, industrial and agricultural isotopes will be key aspects in this Physics conference.

  • Nuclear Power and Energy
  • Nuclear Waste
  • Nuclear forces and accelerators
  • Nuclear Weapons
  • Nuclear stability and structure
  • Nuclear Safety Nuclear fuel and emissions

Additive manufacturing a game-changer in recent times in physics and technology, allowing people to create real-life objects in their homes. In this session, the recent technique evolved in 3D printing – Multi-material 3D printing manufactures complex objects, fast is discussed by the research scholars. The physics conference brings out the various technologies from 3D printing to 3D films, augmenting each process and improving the technology.

  • Rapid construction
  • Bio printing
  • Prosthetic's
  • Soft sensors and actuators
  • 3D films, games and displays

The nature and the performance of molecules and energy at that level are referred to as quantum physics. Quantum physics is the science in which the quantum reality has an effect. Quantum dots are semiconducting Nano crystals with diameters in the range of 2-10 nanometres. It concerned with the recent development of carbon quantum dots regarding their optical and photo luminescence mechanism, core structure. It brings about the most recent technological advancements in biological fields such as bio imaging and bio-assays which will be explained by eminent researches in the field of nanophysics. In Applied physics Conference, this session introduces the new sub-tracks for both physics and nanotechnology in the sectors.

  • Quantum mechanics
  • Ultra cold Trapped Atoms
  • Quantum Imaging
  • Quantum Photonics
  • Quantum Nano mechanics
  • Quantum Coherence
  • Quantum Chaos

The geophysics session deals with the study of the physics of planetary bodies and atmospheres, including the flow of energy through these systems. The recent developments in geophysics like satellites and GPS have made it possible to retrieve the information easily where people cannot access the world physically. Many of those technologies are traditionally used for the exploration of economic materials like groundwater, metals, and hydrocarbons.

  • Structure of the geomagnetic field
  • Paleomagnetism
  • Magnetosphere phenomena
  • Interplanetary magnetic field strength

The development of suitable mathematical methods for the design and application of physical theories is physicists use mathematical physics. Quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and quantum statistical mechanics are some areas of physics where mathematical solutions are applied over the years. With new drafted tracks and sub-track are to be discussed in the panel with the eminent professional in Poisson-Nijenhuis Groupoids. This session in Applied Physics Congress will create a chance to visualize the unimaginable concepts and theorem which provides solutions for future technologies.

  • Statistical applications
  • Network theory
  • Non-linear dynamics
  • Applications of mathematical physics

Astrophysics is an extension of classical Astronomy and physics, which concerns with the physical nature of stars and other celestial bodies. Computational astrophysics is that the numerical methods to unravel the issues in astrophysics on a computer. In this panel discussion with the industrial Professionals give an out frame of the Cosmological computer simulations of galaxy formation which act as the primary tool to study the structure emergence in the Universe. This session describes the main techniques of such stimulations and their application to develop and constrain galaxy formation theories.

  • Supernova physics
  • Astrophysical fluid dynamics
  • Computational astrophysics
  • Sub galactic astrophysics
  • Quantum gravity
  • Nuclear and particle astrophysics
  • Astro particle physics

Electrochemical and biosensors have discovered expansive broad applications in the area of chemistry. The sensors are manufactured on a microscopic scale as microsensors using MEMS technology. Gradually the quantities of sensors or biosensors originating from the research labs to the frame of the business markets are expanding. At present, the improvement of novel sensor materials progressed biosensors and related gadgets, utilizing the assortment of contributions for differing applications including ecological and security checking, wearable hardware and in addition they are used in observing the environment like temperature, moisture content, vibration, sound, and so on. Bio-perfect piezoelectric polymeric nanomaterial or sensors are being created for applications in biomedicine. In Sensor technology module will provide recent discoveries of sensors by the eminent persons and conduct workshops in this session.

  • Superconducting Detectors and Sensors
  • Optical Quantum Sensors
  • Quantum Lithography
  • Mesoscopic Device Processing

Photonics is the technology of harnessing light and other forms of radiation energy and the quantum unit are the photon. The laser optics session will be an interesting and innovative and will focus on the production, emission, and applications of lasers and optics. The applications of laser techniques in various fields such as medicine, weapons, and output powers will be discussed in this session. The current researches in this technology will be delivered by the most prominent scientist or researcher in this physics conference.

  • Modern optics
  • Laser dentistry & surgery
  • Lasers in defense
  • Optical Instruments
  • Atmospheric optics
  • Physical (or wave) optics
  • Polarization
  • Interference

Cryogenics Engineering is the key technology of the modern era. It has many applications in industry and widely used in research works. Its applications are omnipresent from the smallest laboratories to fusion reactors, huge detectors, and accelerators and involve practices associated with aerospace cryogenic systems (particularly for use in propulsion), life support, refrigeration, and laboratory processes. The cryogenic process has become a basic need for industry and human beings. In this session panel with eminent and business, cryogenics professionals with new technique introduction and suggestions are discussed

  • Rocket propulsion
  • Space stimulation
  • Thermal insulation
  • Cryocoolers
  • Cryogenic Insulation
  • Vacuum Technology
  • Instrumentation in Cryogenics

The electromagnetism is a credential part in deciding the inner properties of most particles experienced in everyday life. The recent study is the camelback field confinement effect in the parallel dipole line is discussed by eminent persons in this session. The electromagnetic power administers the connections between the electrons of neighboring atoms. The session will be more interactive with the Industrial participants, research scholars and business professionals

  • Electromagnetic induction
  • Electromagnetic devices and Optoelectronic devices
  • Magnetic shielding and electromagnetic compatibility
  • Magneto-resistance and Magneto-impedance
  • Magneto-dielectric materials

The advanced chemical engineering is now trending in the field of chemistry. It has a gigantic role in the drinks, beauty care products, pharmaceuticals, medicinal developments, and medications. Chemical engineering is extremely about translated processes developed in the lab into practical applications for the commercial production of products. The session will be more interactive with the Industrial participants, research scholars and business professionals.

  • Theoretical and Computational Chemistry.
  • Nano-Chemistry
  • Catalysis
  • Soil Chemistry.
  • Photo chemistry

The research of material science at present depends on the improvement of new materials utilizing synthetic compounds and constrained regular assets. Materials scientists study the connections between the structure of a material, and its properties, processing methods and its performance in applications. The recent discovery in the field of material science is the transparent crystals with ultrahigh piezoelectricity. These explorations are fundamentally pointed towards the future assets and the advancement of improved materials. The subjects in both Research and Industries are as per the following:

  • Petrochemicals
  • Green Chemistry
  • Plastics Processing
  • Paper and Cardboard Processing
  • Mesoporous Materials Synthesis
  • Research on Organo catalysis and Photo catalysis
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